Weekly Works

Things that were done and need to be done weekly.

Garden Goals, House Goals, Blog Goals, Life Goals – An Announcement

Please Pardon This Interruption… I’ve been posting on The Overleaf Chronicles Blog for four months, and I’m fairly happy with the result. Still, it needs a few tweaks here and there, and I’d like it to be a little more focused, so I’m taking a short hiatus from The Overleaf Chronicles to get some things […]

Garden Goals, House Goals, Blog Goals, Life Goals – An Announcement Read More »

In Bed This Week 09/14/2020 – Which End of the Elephant?

Above: “Elephant” Photo by Stuart Bassil / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Elephant.jpg This has been another week of split time between Overleaf the House and Overleaf the Garden. I’m doing a little bit on each, and I have to keep telling myself that I’m not on a strict deadline to complete either, so I don’t need to

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In Bed This Week 09/07/2020 – Putting It All Together

I confess I haven’t been accomplishing very much in the garden lately. The heat has just been too much, and I’ve moved my attention to a number of things inside the house, where I can work in air conditioned comfort. That doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything out doors, I finally moved the remaining reclaimed

In Bed This Week 09/07/2020 – Putting It All Together Read More »

September In Bed– Things To Do, Dodgeball Hurricane, Plotting and Planning

Dodgeball Hurricane…This past week the Houston area briefly flirted with two unusually closely spaced hurricanes. An odd part of living along the Gulf Coast is our tacit love/hate relationship with tropical storms and hurricanes. We eye them out in the Gulf with all the wariness of a gaggle of nerdy kids in a dodgeball game.

September In Bed– Things To Do, Dodgeball Hurricane, Plotting and Planning Read More »