“Fast-n-Fancy” Easy Banana Pudding.

I call this version of  Banana Pudding “Fast-n-Fancy.” Fast because it only takes about 15 minutes to assemble. It’s Fancy due to the trifle bowl presentation of carefully arranged vanilla wafers and evenly sliced bananas, immersed in instant pudding. An added benefit, it’s easy because it’s ‘no cook’ made from sliced firm ripe bananas, store bought vanilla wafers, instant pudding, and aerosol can whipped cream. If you don’t care if it’s “Fancy” you can just dump everything into a bowl in several even layers, pour the pudding on and be done with it. Then I suppose you can call it “Floozy” Banana Pudding, since now it’s just Fast-n-Easy… but I digress.

  • 4 or 5 ripe but firm Bananas (yellow, no black spots)
  • 1-2 Boxes Vanilla Wafers (I buy 2 just in case, and for inevitable snacking)
  • 2 large boxes instant pudding, Vanilla or Banana.
  • Milk – enough to make the pudding recipes1 can of Aerosol Whipped Cream

Note: Quantities are approximate because your bowl size, the banana sizes, and the number of wafers in a box might vary. I just get more ingredients than I need, someone will always eat the leftover ingredients. For a stronger banana flavor, use banana flavored instant pudding.

Directions:  Assemble this in a glass trifle bowl, appearance is big part of what makes this dessert “Fancy”. First, separate the whole Vanilla Wafers from the broken ones, (you’ll use both). Then peel the bananas and slice them about the same thickness as the wafers and set aside the irregular and smaller end pieces to use later. Next place a banana slice on top of each wafer, and arrange a row of them evenly along the outside bottom edge of the bowl. Place another layer of banana/wafers, bridging the gaps between the layer below, making sure they touch the side of the bowl. Repeat until you have 5 or 6 layers. Fill the open center with alternating layers of the remaining banana and vanilla wafers. The goal is to have banana and wafer pieces in every bite. Prepare the pudding. I use the shaker method, mixing everything with a wire whisk for a few seconds first to make sure there are no lumps, and then shaking according to package directions. While the pudding is still fairly liquid, slowly pour it over the banana wafer combo. The goal is to have the pudding fully surround the banana/wafers. The wafers and bananas may try to float. Just push them down with a spoon or a spatula and keep pouring. Once everything is in the bowl, shake or tap it gently to help release any trapped air bubbles. It will firm up quickly. Just before serving apply the Aerosol Whipped Cream to the top and garnish it with wafers and bananas if desired.
Note: The wafers will absorb some milk from the pudding mix. I often “short” the pudding recipe by a half cup of milk for each box because I like the wafers to have a little more texture in the finished product. It will taste good either way.