
In Bed This Week 09/14/2020 – Which End of the Elephant?

Above: “Elephant” Photo by Stuart Bassil / CC BY ( This has been another week of split time between Overleaf the House and Overleaf the Garden. I’m doing a little bit on each, and I have to keep telling myself that I’m not on a strict deadline to complete either, so I don’t need to […]

In Bed This Week 09/14/2020 – Which End of the Elephant? Read More »

In Bed This Week 09/07/2020 – Putting It All Together

I confess I haven’t been accomplishing very much in the garden lately. The heat has just been too much, and I’ve moved my attention to a number of things inside the house, where I can work in air conditioned comfort. That doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything out doors, I finally moved the remaining reclaimed

In Bed This Week 09/07/2020 – Putting It All Together Read More »